The World’s Awareness
The Prayer of the United Nations:
Oh Lord, our planet Earth is only a small star in space. It is our duty, to transform it into a planet whose creatures are no longer tormented by war, hunger and fear, by race, colour and ideology. Give us courage and strength to begin this task today so that our children and children’s children shall one day carry the name of 'Man' with pride.
Tagore, a man of international fame, who translated many verses from Kabir for the western world into English and who received the Nobel Prize in literature, analogously said:
Oh God, I know, that You are, but I cannot overcome the filth of this body to come up for seeing You.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi described God as follows:
There are innumerable definitions of God. But I worship God as Truth only. Ahimsa (Nonviolence) and Truth are so intertwined that it is practically impossible to disentangle and separate them. Nevertheless, ahimsa is the means; Truth is the end.
He left this world with the words Ram-Nam on his lips.
And the well known physicist and Nobel Price winner Max Planck stated:
Dear Gentlemen, as a physicist who has devoted all his life hard-headedly to science and the investigation of matter, I am certainly free from the suspicion of being considered an enthusiastic spirit.
And so I say this after the investigation of the atom: there is no matter out of itself.
All matter resolves and exists only through one power, which brings the atom particles in vibration and holds them together as the tiniest solar system of the universe. As in the whole universe there exists neither an intelligent power nor an eternal power – humanity has not succeeded in inventing the desired Perpetuum mobile – so we have to assume that behind this power there lies a conscious and intelligent spirit. This spirit is the prime cause of matter. Not the visible but the transitory matter is the real, the true, the absolute – because matter would not exist at all without the spirit – but rather the unseen, immortal spirit is the truth! Since spirit can also not exist out of itself but has to belong to an entity, we are forced to suppose that there are spiritual creatures. But as spiritual creatures cannot exist out of themselves but have to be created, so I do not hesitate to name this mysterious creator like all civilised peoples on earth of past millennia have named him: God!